media & peer commentary

Spalte #col2


Intra-saccadic motion streaks jump-start gaze correction
(2021, Science Advances) [pdf]

Perspective in Science Advances:
Fabius, J. H. & van der Stigchel, S. (2021). Vision while the eyes move: Getting the full picture. Science Advances, 7, 30:eabk0043, 1-2. [link]

Research Highlight in Nature:
The unnoticed eye motions that help us see the world [link]

Press releases:
Bernstein Network press release [english] [german]
see also: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [german]
and: IDW [german]

Some more media coverage:
AAAS [english]
New Scientist [english]
Medical Xpress [english]
ScienceBlog [english]
RedShark News [english]
Vozpópuli [spanish]
TEKCRISPY [spanish]
Chinese Academy of Sciences [chinese]
VBIO [german]
MTA - Das Portal [german]
Adlershof - Science at Work [german]

ERC Consolidator Grant to Martin Rolfs
VIS-A-VIS: How visual action shapes active vision

ERC factsheet
Scrutinizing visual actions to understand perception [link]

Press releases:
Bernstein Network press release [english] [german]
Humboldt-Universität press release [german]
City of Berlin press release [german]
Berlin University Alliance [english] [german]

Heisenberg professorship to Martin Rolfs
Experimental Psychology: Active Perception and Cognition

And active vision of visual perception
EU Research article [link]

Motion extrapolation for eye movements predicts perceived motion-induced position shifts
(2018, Journal of Neuroscience) [pdf]

Recommendation by the Faculty of 1000:
Faculty of 1000 evaluations, dissents and comments [link]

Some more media coverage:
Futurity [english]
ten daily [english]
TEKcrispy [spanish]
Medical Xpress [english]

All is not lost: Post-saccadic contributions to the perceptual omission of intra-saccadic streaks
(2018, Consciousness and Cognition) [pdf]

Write-up by Tarryn Balsdon for non-scientific audiences in Science Trends:
Gaps In Perception: How We See A Stable World Through Moving Eyes [link]

Setting and changing feature priorities in Visual Short-Term Memory
(2017, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review) [pdf]

Blog highlight by Stephan Lewandowsky at
Fortifying memory after encoding: Internal and external attention and visual short-term memory. [link]

Attentional tradeoffs maintain the tracking of moving objects across saccades
(2015, Journal of Neurophysiology) [pdf]

Peer commentary in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience:
Gallagher, K. (2016). Commentary: Attentional tradeoffs maintain the tracking of moving objects across saccades. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 9, 188. [link]

Visual adaptation of the perception of causality
(2013, Current Biology) [pdf]

Press releases:
Bernstein Network press release [english] [german]
Humboldt-Universität press release [english] [german]
New York University press release [english]
University of Konstanz press release [german]
Université Paris Descartes press release [french]

Beim Sehen erkennen - Warum wir laut Martin Rolfs ohne höhere Denkprozesse Entscheidungen treffen
Interview mit Martin Rolfs in der Landshuter Zeitung [german]

Some more media coverage: [german]
Futurity [english]
NeuroscienceStuff [english]
Science Daily [english]
EU Marie Curie Actions News [english]
Scinexx [german]
Jochen Ebmeier [german]
Ärzteblatt [german]
Marburger Bund Zeitung [german] [german]
innovations report [english]
Le Scienze [italian] [english]

Emmy Noether Grant to Martin Rolfs

Press releases:
Bernstein network press release [english] [german]
Humboldt-Universität press release [german]

Interview mit Deutschlandradio Kultur (im Gespräch mit Liane von Billerbeck, Radiofeuilleton, 01.10.2012)
Heute startet ein Forschungsprojekt zu Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit in Berlin [german]

Predictive remapping of attention across eye movements
(2011, Nature Neuroscience) [pdf]

News and Views in Nature Neuroscience:
Krauzlis, R. J. & Nummela, S. U. (2011). Attention points to the future. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 130-131. [link]

Recommendation by the Faculty of 1000:
Faculty of 1000 evaluations, dissents and comments [link]

Press releases:
New York University press release [english]
Ludwig Maximilian Universität Munich press release [german] [english]

National Public Radio's Science Friday feature:
Video "Priming the mind's eye" by Flora Lichtman: [link]
Radio feature "Looking At What The Eyes See" with Ira Flatow and Flora Lichtman: [link]

Some more media coverage:
Science Daily [english]
myScience [german]
Münchner ärztliche Anzeigen [german]
Research in Germany - Land of Ideas [english]
Health jockey [english]
DailyTech [english] [english]

Visual stability based on remapping of attention pointers
(2010, Trends in Cognitive Sciences) [pdf]

Peer commentary in Trends in Cognitive Sciences:
Mayo, J. P. & Sommer, M. A. (2010). Shifting attention to neurons. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14. 389. [link]
Melcher, D. (2010). The missing link for attention pointers: comment on Cavanagh et al. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 473. [link]

Our replies:
Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Attention Pointers: Response to Mayo and Sommer. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 390-391. [pdf]
Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Attentional Pointers: Response to Melcher. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 474-475. [pdf]

A neural mechanism for fixation instability
(2009, Science, E-Letter) [pdf]

Peer commentary in Science (E-Letters):
Hafed, Z. M., Krauzlis, R. J., & Goffart, L. (2009). Reply to M. Rolfs' E-Letter. Science. (E Letter, 2 Jun 2009), [link]

Microsaccades are an index of covert attention
(2007, Psychological Science) [pdf]

Peer commentary in Psychological Science:
Horowitz, T. S., Fine, E. M., Fencsik, D. E., Yurgenson, S., & Wolfe, J. M. (2007). Microsaccades and Attention: Does a Weak Correlation Make an Index?: Reply to Laubrock, Engbert, Rolfs, and Kliegl (2007). Psychological Science, 18, 367-368. [link]

Microsaccade orientation supports attentional enhancement opposite to a peripheral cue
(2004, Psychological Science) [pdf]

Peer commentary in Psychological Science:
Tse, P. U., Sheinberg, D. S., & Logothetis, N. K. (2004). The distribution of microsaccade directions need not reveal the location of attention. Psychological Science, 15, 708-710. [link]